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the two issues are quite separate

  • 1 separate

    1 adjective ['sepərət]
    (a) (different, distinct → category, meaning, issue) distinct, à part; (→ incident, times, episodes) différent;
    that's quite a separate matter ça, c'est une toute autre affaire;
    the two issues are quite separate les deux problèmes sont distincts;
    they sleep in separate rooms (children) ils ont chacun leur chambre; (couple) ils font chambre à part;
    administration and finance are in separate departments l'administration et les finances relèvent de services différents;
    the canteen is separate from the main building la cantine se trouve à l'extérieur du bâtiment principal;
    begin each chapter on a separate page commencez chaque chapitre sur une nouvelle page;
    use a separate piece of paper utilisez une feuille séparée;
    I'd prefer them to come on separate days je préférerais qu'ils viennent à des jours différents;
    it happened on four separate occasions cela s'est produit à quatre reprises;
    she likes to keep her home life separate from the office elle tient à ce que son travail n'empiète pas sur sa vie privée;
    the peaches must be kept separate from the lemons les pêches et les citrons ne doivent pas être mélangés;
    he was kept separate from the other children on le tenait à l'écart ou on l'isolait des autres enfants;
    separate but equal = doctrine en vigueur aux États-Unis de 1896 à 1954, selon laquelle la séparation entre Noirs et Blancs était licite du moment qu'ils bénéficiaient de services (éducation, transports etc) équivalents
    (b) (independent → entrance, living quarters) indépendant, particulier; (→ existence, organization) indépendant;
    they lead very separate lives ils mènent chacun leur vie;
    they went their separate ways (after meeting) ils sont partis chacun de leur côté; figurative (in life) chacun a suivi sa route
    2 noun ['sepərət]
    (a) (in stereo) élément m séparé
    (b) American (offprint) tiré m à part
    3 transitive verb ['sepəreɪt]
    (a) (divide, set apart) séparer; (detach → parts, pieces) séparer, détacher;
    he stepped in to separate the fighting dogs il est intervenu pour séparer les chiens qui se battaient;
    the last three coaches will be separated from the rest of the train les trois derniers wagons seront détachés du reste du train;
    the Bosphorus separates Europe from Asia le Bosphore sépare l'Europe de l'Asie;
    the seriously ill were separated from the other patients les malades gravement atteints étaient isolés des autres patients;
    the records can be separated into four categories les disques peuvent être divisés ou classés en quatre catégories
    (b) (keep distinct) séparer, distinguer;
    to separate reality from myth distinguer le mythe de la réalité, faire la distinction entre le mythe et la réalité
    (c) Cookery (milk) écrémer; (egg) séparer;
    separate the whites from the yolks séparez les blancs des jaunes
    4 intransitive verb ['sepəreɪt]
    (a) (go different ways) se quitter, se séparer;
    they separated after the meeting ils se sont quittés après la réunion
    (b) (split up → couple) se séparer, rompre; (→ in boxing, duel) rompre; Politics (→ party) se scinder;
    they separated on good terms ils se sont séparés à l'amiable;
    the party separated into various factions le parti s'est scindé en diverses factions
    (c) (come apart, divide → liquid) se séparer; (→ parts) se séparer, se détacher, se diviser;
    the boosters separate from the shuttle les propulseurs auxiliaires se détachent de la navette;
    the model separates into four parts la maquette se divise en quatre parties
    ['sepərəts] (clothes) coordonnés mpl
    ►► French Canadian separate school école f libre
    séparer, trier
    se séparer
    séparer, diviser;
    to separate sth up into equal shares diviser ou partager qch en parts égales

    Un panorama unique de l'anglais et du français > separate

  • 2 separate

    1. adjective
    verschieden [Fragen, Probleme]; getrennt [Konten, Betten]; gesondert [Teil]; separat [Eingang, Toilette, Blatt Papier, Abteil]; Sonder[vereinbarung]; (one's own, individual) eigen [Zimmer, Identität, Organisation]
    2. transitive verb

    they are separated(no longer live together) sie leben getrennt

    3. intransitive verb
    1) (disperse) sich trennen
    2) [Ehepaar:] sich trennen
    * * *
    1. ['sepəreit] verb
    1) ((sometimes with into or from) to place, take, keep or force apart: He separated the money into two piles; A policeman tried to separate the men who were fighting.) trennen
    2) (to go in different directions: We all walked along together and separated at the cross-roads.) sich trennen
    3) ((of a husband and wife) to start living apart from each other by choice.) sich trennen
    2. [-rət] adjective
    1) (divided; not joined: He sawed the wood into four separate pieces; The garage is separate from the house.) getrennt
    2) (different or distinct: This happened on two separate occasions; I like to keep my job and my home life separate.) getrennt
    - academic.ru/65955/separateness">separateness
    - separable
    - separately
    - separates
    - separation
    - separatist
    - separatism
    - separate off
    - separate out
    - separate up
    * * *
    I. adj
    [ˈsepərət, AM -ɚɪt]
    (not joined) getrennt, separat; (independent) einzeln attr, gesondert attr, verschieden attr
    \separate bedrooms getrennte Schlafzimmer
    to retain a \separate entity eine Einheit für sich akk bleiben
    a \separate piece of paper ein extra Blatt Papier fam
    to go \separate ways eigene Wege gehen
    to keep sth \separate etw auseinanderhalten
    II. n
    [ˈsepərət, AM -ɚɪt]
    \separates pl ≈ Einzelteile pl
    ladies' \separates Röcke, Blusen, Hosen
    III. vt
    [ˈsepəreɪt, AM -əreɪt]
    to \separate sb/sth jdn/etw trennen; CHEM
    to \separate sth etw abspalten
    they look so alike I can't \separate them in my mind sie sehen sich so ähnlich, ich kann sie einfach nicht auseinanderhalten
    you can't \separate ethics from politics du kannst doch die Ethik nicht von der Politik abspalten
    to \separate egg whites from yolks Eigelb vom Eiweiß trennen
    IV. vi
    [ˈsepəreɪt, AM -əreɪt]
    1. (become detached) sich akk trennen; CHEM sich akk scheiden
    2. (of cohabiting couple) sich akk trennen, auseinandergehen; (divorce) sich akk scheiden lassen
    she is \separated from her husband sie lebt von ihrem Mann getrennt
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) getrennt, gesondert (from von); organization, unit gesondert, eigen attr; two organizations, issues, parts gesondert attr, voneinander getrennt, verschieden attr; provisions, regulations besondere(r, s) attr, separat, gesondert attr; beds, rooms, accounts getrennt; account, bill, agreement, department gesondert attr, extra attr inv; entrance, toilet, flat separat; existence eigen attr

    that is a separate question/issue — das ist eine andere Frage, das ist eine Frage für sich

    this is quite separate from his jobdas hat mit seinem Beruf nichts zu tun

    to keep two things separate — zwei Dinge nicht zusammentun; questions, issues zwei Dinge auseinanderhalten

    separate from your card —

    keep this book separate from the othershalten Sie dieses Buch von den anderen getrennt

    2) (= individual) einzeln

    all the separate sections/pieces/units/questions — alle einzelnen Abschnitte/Teile/Einheiten/Fragen

    everybody has a separate cup/task — jeder hat eine Tasse/Aufgabe für sich or seine eigene Tasse/Aufgabe

    3. pl
    Röcke, Blusen, Hosen etc
    4. vt
    ['sepəreɪt] trennen; (CHEM ALSO) scheiden; milk entrahmen; (= divide up) aufteilen (into in +acc)

    to separate the good from the baddie Guten von den Schlechten trennen or scheiden

    he can't separate his private life from his worker kann Privatleben und Arbeit nicht (voneinander) trennen, er kann das Privatleben nicht von der Arbeit trennen

    5. vi
    ['sepəreɪt] sich trennen; (CHEM ALSO) sich scheiden

    it separates into four parts ( fig : problem etc )es lässt sich in vier Teile auseinandernehmen es zerfällt in vier Teile

    * * *
    A v/t [ˈsepəreıt]
    1. trennen ( from von):
    a) (ab)sondern, (ab-, aus)scheiden
    b) Freunde, auch Kämpfende etc auseinanderbringen:
    separate church and state Kirche und Staat trennen;
    a separated couple ein getrennt lebendes Ehepaar;
    they are separated sie leben getrennt; chaff1 1, sheep 1
    2. spalten, auf-, zerteilen ( alle:
    into in akk)
    3. CHEM, TECH
    a) scheiden, trennen, (ab)spalten
    b) sortieren
    c) aufbereiten
    4. Milch zentrifugieren, Sahne absetzen lassen
    5. MIL US entlassen
    B v/i [ˈsepəreıt]
    1. sich trennen, scheiden ( beide:
    from von), auseinandergehen
    2. (from) sich lösen oder trennen (von), ausscheiden (aus)
    3. CHEM, TECH sich absondern
    4. JUR sich (ehelich) trennen
    C adj [ˈseprət] (adv separately)
    1. getrennt, (ab)gesondert, besonder(er, e, es), separat, Separat…:
    separate account WIRTSCH Sonder-, Separatkonto n;
    separate estate JUR eingebrachtes Sondergut (der Ehefrau);
    separate maintenance JUR Alimente pl (der getrennt lebenden Ehefrau)
    2. einzeln, gesondert, getrennt, Einzel…:
    separate bedrooms getrennte Schlafzimmer;
    with a separate entrance mit eigenem Eingang;
    the separate members of the body die einzelnen Glieder des Körpers;
    two separate questions zwei Einzelfragen, zwei gesondert zu behandelnde Fragen;
    separate rooms getrennte Zimmer, Einzelzimmer;
    they went their separate ways sie gingen ihre eigenen Wege;
    keep separate Bedeutungen etc auseinanderhalten;
    be available separately einzeln erhältlich sein
    3. einzeln, isoliert:
    separate confinement JUR Einzelhaft f
    D s [ˈseprət]
    1. (der, die, das) Einzelne oder Getrennte
    2. TYPO Sonder(ab)druck m
    3. pl Mode: Separates [ˈseprəts] pl (Kleidungsstücke, die zu einer zwei- oder mehrteiligen Kombination gehören)
    sep. abk
    1. BOT sepal
    2. separate getr.
    * * *
    1. adjective
    verschieden [Fragen, Probleme]; getrennt [Konten, Betten]; gesondert [Teil]; separat [Eingang, Toilette, Blatt Papier, Abteil]; Sonder[vereinbarung]; (one's own, individual) eigen [Zimmer, Identität, Organisation]
    2. transitive verb 3. intransitive verb
    1) (disperse) sich trennen
    2) [Ehepaar:] sich trennen
    * * *
    abgesondert adj.
    gesondert adj.
    getrennt adj. v.
    scheiden v.
    (§ p.,pp.: schied, ist geschieden)
    trennen v.

    English-german dictionary > separate

  • 3 Psychology

       We come therefore now to that knowledge whereunto the ancient oracle directeth us, which is the knowledge of ourselves; which deserveth the more accurate handling, by how much it toucheth us more nearly. This knowledge, as it is the end and term of natural philosophy in the intention of man, so notwithstanding it is but a portion of natural philosophy in the continent of nature.... [W]e proceed to human philosophy or Humanity, which hath two parts: the one considereth man segregate, or distributively; the other congregate, or in society. So as Human philosophy is either Simple and Particular, or Conjugate and Civil. Humanity Particular consisteth of the same parts whereof man consisteth; that is, of knowledges which respect the Body, and of knowledges that respect the Mind... how the one discloseth the other and how the one worketh upon the other... [:] the one is honored with the inquiry of Aristotle, and the other of Hippocrates. (Bacon, 1878, pp. 236-237)
       The claims of Psychology to rank as a distinct science are... not smaller but greater than those of any other science. If its phenomena are contemplated objectively, merely as nervo-muscular adjustments by which the higher organisms from moment to moment adapt their actions to environing co-existences and sequences, its degree of specialty, even then, entitles it to a separate place. The moment the element of feeling, or consciousness, is used to interpret nervo-muscular adjustments as thus exhibited in the living beings around, objective Psychology acquires an additional, and quite exceptional, distinction. (Spencer, 1896, p. 141)
       Kant once declared that psychology was incapable of ever raising itself to the rank of an exact natural science. The reasons that he gives... have often been repeated in later times. In the first place, Kant says, psychology cannot become an exact science because mathematics is inapplicable to the phenomena of the internal sense; the pure internal perception, in which mental phenomena must be constructed,-time,-has but one dimension. In the second place, however, it cannot even become an experimental science, because in it the manifold of internal observation cannot be arbitrarily varied,-still less, another thinking subject be submitted to one's experiments, comformably to the end in view; moreover, the very fact of observation means alteration of the observed object. (Wundt, 1904, p. 6)
       It is [Gustav] Fechner's service to have found and followed the true way; to have shown us how a "mathematical psychology" may, within certain limits, be realized in practice.... He was the first to show how Herbart's idea of an "exact psychology" might be turned to practical account. (Wundt, 1904, pp. 6-7)
       "Mind," "intellect," "reason," "understanding," etc. are concepts... that existed before the advent of any scientific psychology. The fact that the naive consciousness always and everywhere points to internal experience as a special source of knowledge, may, therefore, be accepted for the moment as sufficient testimony to the rights of psychology as science.... "Mind," will accordingly be the subject, to which we attribute all the separate facts of internal observation as predicates. The subject itself is determined p. 17) wholly and exclusively by its predicates. (Wundt, 1904,
       The study of animal psychology may be approached from two different points of view. We may set out from the notion of a kind of comparative physiology of mind, a universal history of the development of mental life in the organic world. Or we may make human psychology the principal object of investigation. Then, the expressions of mental life in animals will be taken into account only so far as they throw light upon the evolution of consciousness in man.... Human psychology... may confine itself altogether to man, and generally has done so to far too great an extent. There are plenty of psychological text-books from which you would hardly gather that there was any other conscious life than the human. (Wundt, 1907, pp. 340-341)
       The Behaviorist began his own formulation of the problem of psychology by sweeping aside all medieval conceptions. He dropped from his scientific vocabulary all subjective terms such as sensation, perception, image, desire, purpose, and even thinking and emotion as they were subjectively defined. (Watson, 1930, pp. 5-6)
       According to the medieval classification of the sciences, psychology is merely a chapter of special physics, although the most important chapter; for man is a microcosm; he is the central figure of the universe. (deWulf, 1956, p. 125)
       At the beginning of this century the prevailing thesis in psychology was Associationism.... Behavior proceeded by the stream of associations: each association produced its successors, and acquired new attachments with the sensations arriving from the environment.
       In the first decade of the century a reaction developed to this doctrine through the work of the Wurzburg school. Rejecting the notion of a completely self-determining stream of associations, it introduced the task ( Aufgabe) as a necessary factor in describing the process of thinking. The task gave direction to thought. A noteworthy innovation of the Wurzburg school was the use of systematic introspection to shed light on the thinking process and the contents of consciousness. The result was a blend of mechanics and phenomenalism, which gave rise in turn to two divergent antitheses, Behaviorism and the Gestalt movement. The behavioristic reaction insisted that introspection was a highly unstable, subjective procedure.... Behaviorism reformulated the task of psychology as one of explaining the response of organisms as a function of the stimuli impinging upon them and measuring both objectively. However, Behaviorism accepted, and indeed reinforced, the mechanistic assumption that the connections between stimulus and response were formed and maintained as simple, determinate functions of the environment.
       The Gestalt reaction took an opposite turn. It rejected the mechanistic nature of the associationist doctrine but maintained the value of phenomenal observation. In many ways it continued the Wurzburg school's insistence that thinking was more than association-thinking has direction given to it by the task or by the set of the subject. Gestalt psychology elaborated this doctrine in genuinely new ways in terms of holistic principles of organization.
       Today psychology lives in a state of relatively stable tension between the poles of Behaviorism and Gestalt psychology.... (Newell & Simon, 1963, pp. 279-280)
       As I examine the fate of our oppositions, looking at those already in existence as guide to how they fare and shape the course of science, it seems to me that clarity is never achieved. Matters simply become muddier and muddier as we go down through time. Thus, far from providing the rungs of a ladder by which psychology gradually climbs to clarity, this form of conceptual structure leads rather to an ever increasing pile of issues, which we weary of or become diverted from, but never really settle. (Newell, 1973b, pp. 288-289)
       The subject matter of psychology is as old as reflection. Its broad practical aims are as dated as human societies. Human beings, in any period, have not been indifferent to the validity of their knowledge, unconcerned with the causes of their behavior or that of their prey and predators. Our distant ancestors, no less than we, wrestled with the problems of social organization, child rearing, competition, authority, individual differences, personal safety. Solving these problems required insights-no matter how untutored-into the psychological dimensions of life. Thus, if we are to follow the convention of treating psychology as a young discipline, we must have in mind something other than its subject matter. We must mean that it is young in the sense that physics was young at the time of Archimedes or in the sense that geometry was "founded" by Euclid and "fathered" by Thales. Sailing vessels were launched long before Archimedes discovered the laws of bouyancy [ sic], and pillars of identical circumference were constructed before anyone knew that C IID. We do not consider the ship builders and stone cutters of antiquity physicists and geometers. Nor were the ancient cave dwellers psychologists merely because they rewarded the good conduct of their children. The archives of folk wisdom contain a remarkable collection of achievements, but craft-no matter how perfected-is not science, nor is a litany of successful accidents a discipline. If psychology is young, it is young as a scientific discipline but it is far from clear that psychology has attained this status. (Robinson, 1986, p. 12)

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Psychology

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